O1 - Methodological Guidelines for creating the framework of the FemSTEAM project

O1 is an e-publication which (a) identifies the current situation, best practices, and challenges regarding gender equality in STEAM in the partner countries (CY, DE, EL, ES), and (ii) provides methodological guidelines for implementing the FemSTEAM Mysteries project so as to tackle challenges.

The Methodological Guidelines outline the methodological and didactical approach that should underlie the “FemSTEAM Mysteries” activities and outputs, so as to promote gender equity in STEAM. They are a valuable tool that guided the development and evaluation of all project outputs (O2, O3, O4, O5, O6) by offering the following:

A. Overview of current situation regarding STEAM education (degree of adoption of the STEAM education approach by school systems), and gender equality in STEAM studies and careers, in partner countries, across Europe, and internationally.

B. Main aims, objectives, and expected results of the project at national and European level.

C. Main requirements of (O2) Guide on the Instructional Use of Role-models for achieving the improvement of key competences of students of both genders, and the unlocking of their full potential for studies and careers in STEAM.

D. Main requirements of (O3) Guide on the Instructional Use of Digital Games, for promoting the development of key competences of both female and male students, and the unlocking of their full potential for studies and careers in STEAM.

E. Main requirements of (O4) FemSTEAM Mysteries game for promoting the development of key competences of both female and male students, and the unlocking of their full potential for studies and careers in STEAM.